In a world increasingly obsessed with trying to preserve one’s youthful appearance, Women are often the ones to get hit with this message the hardest, making the idea of getting older seem like a scary, almost forbidden concept.

NIVEA - I Like My Age

Together with NIVEA, we wanted to change this with the relaunch of their popular NIVEA Cellular face cream, while becoming the top choice for women over 40.

Together with Carina Berg, one of Sweden’s most famous and appreciated TV-personalities, we developed a campaign that celebrated the beauty of getting older and loving one’s age, at any age. We called it “I like my age”.

The campaign, which aired on TV, print and social media channels, featured Carina Berg discussing the perks of turning 40, getting more comfortable in her own skin, and loving herself as the years go on and ones right to feel beautiful at any age. We felt it was important that this message was reflected in all communication. To celebrate the beauty of getting older and feeling amazing at any age. The result? A powerful campaign that resonated strongly with modern Nordic women, who have long been ready to bid farewell to the outdated idea that aging is taboo.


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